• Automation, Algos and AI: is FX catching up with Silicon Valley?

    New technologies inspired by Silicon Valley are transforming the foreign exchange markets.

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  • BNP Paribas recognised for standing by clients during turbulent year

    BNP Paribas receives record number of accolades at the Risk Awards including the top Derivatives House of the Year, as it stood by clients throughout 2022

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  • Bricks and mortar enter the digital bazaar

    Long driven by venture capital, the rapid growth of the digital sector is now seeing a new kid on the block: the corporate.

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  • A golden opportunity in Chinese commodity derivatives

    The surge in global demand for gold since the onset of Covid-19 has underlined the importance of trading links with China, the world’s biggest producer.

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  • Trade information network: a new industry standard for trade finance

    TIN enables companies to easily and securely share trade information with banks, helping meet demand for financing earlier in the supply chain.

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  • How Bank Financing Solutions Can Support a Sustainable Supply Chain

    Corporate Social Responsibility: Supply chain finance programs provide a pathway for buyers to encourage CSR compliance by supplier.

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  • Water: the trillion-dollar investment gap

    Delivering water for all is estimated to need investments of over US$1 trillion in the next decade. How can we ensure access to water as a critical life resource?

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  • Harnessing Data to Build the Treasury of Tomorrow

    How well are corporate treasurers using data to serve their companies' evolving business needs and how can banks help them overcome the challenges?

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  • Cementing a milestone for emerging markets and sustainability targets

    CEMEX's $3.2bn Sustainability-Linked Loan (SLL) targets CO2 reduction and is the largest SLL to date in Latin America and the emerging markets.

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  • BNP Paribas retains leading positions in 2021 Greenwich studies

    BNP Paribas retains Top 5 ranking in Asia and consolidates #1 positions in Europe in the 2021 Greenwich Large Corporate Banking and Cash Management studies.

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  • BNP Paribas wins RMB House of the Year

    BNP Paribas has won RMB house of the year in the Asia Risk Awards 2017.

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  • Renewable energy: good for the environment – and good economics

    It's a tough road ahead for the oil industry as the rise of electric vehicles makes solar and wind better long-term investments, according to latest BNP Paribas report.

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  • Mobilising ECM to support Covid-19 healthcare equipment production

    German medical technology manufacturer DrΓ€gerwerk turns to the equity capital markets to finance increase in Covid-19 ventilator production.

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  • Brookfield deal underscores continued demand for sustainable finance

    Brookfield's sustainability-linked loan aims to reduce CO2 emissions and shows the expansion of sustainable finance in the energy |amp; utility sector.

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  • Vaccine vs. Virus – carving a path towards normalisation

    Sarah Gilbert, Professor of Vaccinology at the University of Oxford shares the extraordinary development of the Oxford/AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine

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  • What lies ahead for the IPO and Private Placement markets?

    Investors at the 7th Annual BNP Paribas IPO & Private Placement Conference expressed cautious optimism for 2023, with attendees from over 120 corporates.

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  • The Business Case for Sustainable Finance

    Should sustainable finance not just be business as usual? What are the responsibilities of the private sector and government in sustainable development?

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  • Digitising transactions in Asia: one chop at a time

    Paper-based documentation and chops are disappearing across Asia as a result of relaxed regulations and new technologies.

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  • Brazil: And now for something different

    As BNP Paribas marks 20 years in Brazil, Sandrine Ferdane and Marcelo Carvalho share their views on Latam's largest economy.

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  • The Treasurer’s Guide to the New Payments Landscape in Asia

    As corporate treasurers embark on digitisation, banks are playing a key role in creating secure and well-regulated real-time payments ecosystems.

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