Optimising corporate treasury in India’s new norm

Digitalisation, supply-chain financing and liquidity management are key issues corporate treasurers must tackle in a post Covid-19 world.


A cautious optimism on economic recovery, with risk mitigation and technology-led disruptions being key themes in 2021, is a sentiment shared by top treasury professionals.

Covid-19 has forced treasury management professionals to set up and play a more strategic role in safeguarding their respective businesses amid the current global pandemic. It has been a stark reminder that having an efficient handle on your corporate liquidity is key to weathering revenue shocks and nationwide lockdowns.

At a recent webinar hosted in partnership with The Asset, Rupa Balsekar, Managing Director and Head of Transaction Banking at BNP Paribas India, explains how she is helping clients in India through technology. Watch the short video here: 


Aymar De Liedekerke Beaufort, CEO India, BNP Paribas ; Amit Shah, Head of Equity Research, India, BNP Paribas and Wee Chye Kin, Head of Transaction Banking, APAC, BNP Paribas also weighed in to discuss how corporate treasurers adapt and strategise in the new norm.