IFR has again applauded BNP Paribas for its ability to deliver excellence on the bond market and its global leadership in ESG debt and deep commitment to market development, naming the Bank Bond House of the Year and ESG Financing House of the Year, both for the second year in a row. These awards demonstrate the Bank’s steadfast commitment to supporting its clients in their growth ambitions by expanding market reach across assets, delivering excellence in bond markets and showing the way in sustainable financing.
BNP Paribas received awards in a total of six categories:
BNP Paribas’ expanding bond market reach
Awarding BNP Paribas Bond House of the Year and Europe Investment-Grade Corporate Bond House of the Year for the second consecutive year, IFR editors commended the Bank, stating that its “ability to deliver excellence is second to none. Its core business will always be euros, where it retains its leading market share. But it is expanding its reach in the Swiss franc and sterling markets, and taking steps to grow its US dollar business.”
The publication noted that BNP Paribas “retained its leading position in the euro bond market, it continued to dominate the European investment-grade corporate market and was a contender for an award in every core business that it has traditionally been involved in” while also applauding the Bank’s strides in other areas.
Further commenting on BNP Paribas’ progress throughout 2024, editors noted: “Not only is BNP Paribas running a different race to its competitors but last year it was able to raise its game compared to itself.” A determination to steadily support clients across different circumstances and move forward with conviction were highlighted, with the publication emphasising the Bank’s push forward in the debut space.
On the top step for ESG financing
In again naming the Bank ESG Financing House of the Year, IFR editors noted that BNP Paribas “showed the way in ESG financing with landmarks in key sustainable finance themes, including transition, development finance and nature/biodiversity, and reinforced it with strong advisory and research capacity.” Ranking consistently at the forefront of ESG bond and loan league tables again in 2024, including ESG bonds, green bonds and sustainability-linked bonds, IFR applauded the Bank’s “leadership and consistency” over more than a decade in sustainable finance.
According to IFR, “BNP Paribas racked up an array of notable transactions in 2024”. It also commended the Bank’s contribution to market-wide infrastructure and initiatives, such as on transition finance and sustainable finance principles, as well as recent efforts in nature and blue finance, including involvement in the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures and the International Finance Corporation’s biodiversity finance reference guide.