
Abu Dhabi Sustainable Finance Forum


ADSFF 2021, virtual edition

The Abu Dhabi Sustainable Finance Forum (ADSFF) took place on 20 January 2021. This 3rd edition of the event convened over 1,000+ virtual attendees from 79 countries featuring 44 speakers from 15 countries, representing key government entities, regulators, financial institutions, asset owners, international agencies, businesses and media in the sustainable finance space.

Check on key takeways from 2021 :

Are we at a pivotal moment in the evolution of sustainable finance?

Global audiences tuned in to the Abu Dhabi Sustainable Finance Forum for the latest updates on sustainable finance in the Gulf region and beyond.


Looking back on 2020 edition

cib_What we learnt at the Abu Dhabi SFF

What we learnt at the Abu Dhabi Sustainable Finance Forum 2020

ESG investing has gained considerable momentum in the past year. What's changed? What's new? And what are the opportunities ahead in the Middle East?

#BNPPSFF Jérôme Ponrouch, newly appointed head of #CSR and #Sustainability MEA, How is Abu Dhabi leading the charge in #Sustainablefinance in the UAE?

[#BNPPSFF] How is Abu Dhabi leading the charge in #Sustainablefinance in the UAE?Earth globe europe-africa Jérôme Ponrouch, newly appointed head of #CSR and #Sustainability MEA, explains Down pointing backhand index