Accessibility declaration

BNP Paribas undertakes to make its internet, intranet and extranet sites and software packages accessible in accordance with Article 47 of Law no. 2005-102 of 11 February 2005.

The 2021-2023 Multi-Year Accessibility Plan as well as the 2021-2022 Action Plan are currently being drafted and will be published shortly. 

This accessibility declaration applies to:, and

Accessibility assessment

In late March 2021, an external agency started to investigate our new version of the website according to the method WCAG-EM (Website Evaluation Methodology) with a report that forms the basis of the accessibility declaration to comply with the legal obligation temporary decree digital accessibility government. Based on the research it can be determined whether the website is sufficiently usable for people with a disability.

The outcoming assessment will determine the state of compliance of the present website as well as defining 2021-2022 Action Plan that will be published on this site by end of April 2021.