Going Grön: a new Swedish opportunity to invest

BNP Paribas launches inaugural green structured products on Nasdaq Stockholm, paving the way for more retail investors to access to a new asset class.


BNP Paribas has started 2019 with the launch of its first ever green structured products on Nasdaq Stockholm. The two green instruments were listed as part of the recently created green structured product segment, which are being distributed to retail investors in partnership with Strukturinvest, an independent Swedish securities investment specialist.
This innovative breed of structured products gives retail investors the opportunity to gain exposure to asset classes to which they would usually not have access. Issued by BNP Paribas and combining multiple financial instruments in a single security, returns are linked to a basket of stocks of global companies with a strong track record in sustainability, while offering partial capital protection.
The launch of green structured products in the Nordics was celebrated at a bell-ringing ceremony to open the Nasdaq Stockholm exchange in January, which comes barely a month after the exchange invited BNP Paribas to open the market at its MarketSite office in New York, marking the two firms’ long-standing partnership worldwide.


The partnership with Strukturinvest will allow BNP Paribas to play an active role in connecting Nordic retail investors with those global companies at the forefront of the shift to sustainable growth and development. The initiative also reflects the bank’s continued commitment both to sustainable finance and to the Nordic market. Active in the region since 2010, BNP Paribas’ footprint in the Nordics grew further in 2018 as it reinforced its presence on Nasdaq Nordic, in particular in structured products.

“With the listings of two new sustainable structured products, Nasdaq continues its close companionship with one of the most prominent issuers of green investment products in Europe,” said Ann-Charlotte Eliasson, Vice President of European Fixed Income, Nasdaq.

With structured products and in cooperation with BNP Paribas, we are able to provide sustainable investments to a broad range of investors.

“With the help of issuers such as BNP Paribas and supported by distributors like Strukturinvest, we have in recent years seen the Nasdaq Nordic Sustainable Debt market grow into a European hub for green and sustainable investments.”
“We are delighted to have listed our first green structured products on Nasdaq Stockholm,” said Neven Graillat, Chief Sustainable Product Officer, Global Markets, BNP Paribas. “Sustainability is at the core of our strategy and by issuing these securities, we are helping to connect Nordics retail investors, an increasingly important investor-segment in Europe, with companies at the cutting edge of sustainability all over the world. This is a key part of our strategy to continue to be the reference bank for sustainable finance and investment.”
“The biggest strength with structured products is the availability provided,” said Björn Johansson, Head of Dealing and Marketing, Strukturinvest. “With structured products and in cooperation with BNP Paribas, we are able to provide sustainable investments to a broad range of investors.”