Lessons from Covid-19 – and what it means for sustainability

What have we learnt from Covid-19? How might this help us build the future we want? And why could sustainable finance play a vital role?


“The Covid-19 pandemic shares similarities with a fully-fledged climate or biodiversity crisis: it is systemic, with knock-on effects around the world. It also illustrates the ‘tragedy of the commons’ – where individual actions can run counter to the common good if they are not coordinated globally to preserve a shared resource – be it a virus-free environment, a diverse biosphere, or a life-friendly climate.”

In a two-part series in “Environmental Finance,” Hervé Duteil, BNP Paribas’ Chief Sustainability Officer for the Americas, draws on three sustainability foresights from the Covid-19 pandemic crisis to help us envision the future we want, while exploring the mindsets we must adopt – and the vital role sustainable finance must play.